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COVID Legal Issues That You Might Need Help With

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COVID is disrupting the world in various ways, and this can mean legal issues. Here is a closer look at some legal cases that some people end up filing because of the pandemic.

The COVID pandemic has been a major disruption to many lives. This has many repercussions in various areas, and one of them is the legal side of things. Many issues popped up over the long pandemic, resulting in many people reaching out for legal help. You might not be aware of it, but there is a legal solution to some problems you are facing. Here are some potential cases that you might file or you might be on the receiving end of.

Housing Issues

When you are stuck at home for most of the year, housing is a significant focus of your lives. According to the American Bar Association, one of the primary legal needs right now is housing issues. This is mostly for those who rent. For example, with many income sources drying up, many tenants are not able to pay their rent on time. While some landlords are forgiving if you reach out to them, there are still those who would file an eviction order on you. Fighting an eviction will require legal help. Other issues that come up during the pandemic are also tenant-landlord issues. They mostly cover repair and maintenance issues that have fallen to the side because of the pandemic.

Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits are on the rise because of COVID. The disruption that the disease created caused a lot of vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of many businesses. It also tempted some unscrupulous people to abuse the circumstances. For example, price gouging was prevalent at the height of the pandemic. A class action could be conceivably filed against any company that did that. Other actionable offenses include mislabeling, data breaches, and more. As a victim, you have every right to file a lawsuit. If you are on the receiving of the lawsuit, you’ll need some legal defense.

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Contract Renegotiation

If you run a business, you know that a lot of it runs on contracts. Contracts govern deals with suppliers, distributors, and more. However, the pandemic has made a lot of those contracts problematic. For example, some contracts specify delivery dates on particular days of the month. With the pandemic, logistics and supply lines are in chaos. Many suppliers would not be able to meet those deadlines. These circumstances and more can force companies to renegotiate their contracts. Having a lawyer look over the corrected contract so that it is “pandemic-proof” and completely legal is essential if you want to avoid future problems.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

COVID is still very risky, and many public places can be liable for a personal injury lawsuit if they open up. This makes it very important that any business should consult with a skilled personal injury attorney. They will pinpoint situations where a company can be liable for personal injury due to COVID. For example, if a company does not implement appropriate safety measures for COVID and someone gets sick, there are liability issues. It can be even worse depending on whether it is an employee or a customer.

Unemployment Benefits Claim

The other big issue during COVID is unemployment. A lot of people lost their jobs during the pandemic, and they have been suffering from it. The automatic response should be to file for unemployment benefits, but the system is overwhelmed. There are quite a few rejections of claims. This is where a lawyer can come in. People can get some pro-bono help to appeal their claims. Assistance can come in the form of helping fill up forms and what circumstances to point out.

Payment Disputes

Another issue that comes up very often during the pandemic is the issue of payment. With many people not earning as much money, some might not be able to pay their various bills. This can range from their utilities to their mortgage. While there are debt and financial assistance efforts from the government, people might not be aware of them. For businesses who are aware of customers in tough circumstances, negotiating better payment plans for them might be necessary,

The pandemic is still ongoing, and people are still feeling the sting of it. If you have been affected, you may not know that you can turn to the law for assistance. The cases above are just a few potential ones. Consult with a lawyer to see what they can do to help if you think you can get legal help.

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