a family in a verge of divorce

Why delaying a divorce can be costly

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When you and your partner said “I do” in front of your friends and family, you probably never thought that you would divorce.

However, in some cases, divorcing or legally separating from your partner can be the best outcome for many couples, especially if there is abuse, neglect, lack of love, or simply you and your spouse have grown apart.

But divorce is a difficult and often emotionally charged process that many couples may try to avoid. However, delaying a divorce can be even more costly in the long run, taking a toll on your mental well-being.

So, this article will look at several reasons why prolonging a divorce can be a costly mistake.

Financial costs

man counting his money

The longer a couple stays married, the more intertwined their finances become. Preventing a divorce means that financial entanglements, such as shared bank accounts and assets, will continue to accumulate over time. This can make dividing property and assets more complicated and time-consuming, which can lead to higher legal fees from even the most reasonable divorce solicitors in Guildford and financial strain. Additionally, the longer a couple is married, the more likely they are to have accumulated debt, such as credit card debt or mortgages. This debt can also become more complex to sort out as time goes on, leading to even more financial strain.

Emotional costs

Stalling a divorce can also take an emotional toll on both parties. Remaining in a marriage that is unhappy or even abusive can cause significant emotional distress, leading to mental health issues if left unattended. Over time, these issues can become more severe, leading to costly therapy sessions or even hospitalisation. Delaying a divorce can also prevent both parties from moving on with their lives and finding happiness, which can lead to resentment and a prolonged period of emotional distress.

Custody issues

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If the couple has children, avoiding a divorce can make custody issues even more complicated. The longer the couple stays married, the more likely it is that the children will become accustomed to the family dynamic and routines. When the couple eventually divorces, the children may have a harder time adjusting to the new situation. Additionally, prolonging a divorce can lead to more disagreements over custody and child support, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Legal fees

Putting off a divorce can also result in higher legal fees. The longer a couple waits to file for divorce, the more time and effort it may take to sort out the legal issues; this can result in higher legal fees, which can add up quickly. Additionally, if the couple is unable to come to an agreement on their own and must go to court, the legal fees can be even more significant.

Retirement benefits

If a couple is married for a significant amount of time, they may be entitled to each other’s retirement benefits. Delaying a divorce can affect the number of retirement benefits that each party is entitled to. For example, if one party prevents divorce and continues to accumulate retirement benefits, the other half of the couple may be entitled to a larger share of those benefits; this can lead to more legal fees and court battles over retirement benefits.

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