person driving a motorcycle wearing a helmet

New to Motorcycle Driving? Read These Six Safety Tips First

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If you’re new to riding a motorcycle, hear us out. Do yourself a favor and learn how you can drive safely in Denver. Did you know that in 2016 alone, 125 motorcyclists died on the streets of Colorado according to CDOT? Don’t let yourself be part of the statistics. Reduce the risks of motorcycle driving with the following tips.


ATGATT is an acronym for “Al the Gear, All the Time.” When riding a motorcycle, this should be your mindset. Don’t treat motorcycle safety gears as an option; it should be a requirement, as it could mean the difference between life and death in dangerous motorcycle situations. Below are essential safety gears you should invest as a new rider:

  • Helmet. Denver law specifically requires you to wear a helmet that complies with CDOT specifications if you are below 18.
  • Jacket. Look for a jacket that can offer safety should you fall from your bike. A leather jacket or suit that provides a layer between you and the road is best for abrasion resistance.
  • Gloves. A good pair of gloves should protect you from pebbles or bugs hitting your knuckles that can cause you to lose grip on your bike handles. Opt for leather or textile, and make sure they fit snuggly on your hands.
  • Boots. Your boots should be over the ankle, as the ankle is what takes the damage in motorcycling. Also, opt for boots that can hide shoelaces as these can get entangled on your bike, causing an accident.
  • Pants. While your regular jeans are considered acceptable, it pays to have motorcycle riding pants that can protect your lower body. Leather pants offer protection and are great for colder months. Textile pants, on the other hand, offers extra weather protection and comfort than leather ones.
  • Motorcycle accessories. These include safety earplugs to block the sound of the wind that can cloud your thought process. You should also invest in riding goggles that will deflect wind and debris off your eyes.

Inspect your bike regularly

Man repairing electronics sports black bikeBefore you ride, take time to inspect your motorcycle every time. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation devised a guideline called T-CLOCS that a rider like you should follow. T-CLOCS stands for Tires/wheels, Controls, Lights/electrics, Oils/fluids, Chassis, and Stands, which you should check before hitting the street of Colorado.

Never drink and drive

This is one rule that many riders in Denver ought to neglect. As a general rule, don’t ride unless your 100% sober. Also, avoid driving when you are sleepy. You have to be completely alert when hitting the road, so never drive when you had alcohol or is feeling drowsy.

Ride defensively

Nearly two-thirds of motorcycle accidents happened because drivers violated a rider’s right of way. That said, you must ride defensively every time. Always keep your headlight on, and use your horn if a driver is too close to you. Use your turn signal, and watch for turning vehicles. Always stay out of a driver’s blind spot.

Observe traffic rules

Learn the local traffic laws in Denver, and OBEY them. We can’t emphasize enough how following traffic laws can significantly reduce the risks of riding your motorcycle.

Undergo proper training

Finally, never hit the road without adequate training. Taking motorcycle courses should teach you the basics and improve your riding skills. A motorcycle course should also teach you the laws you need to follow when riding.

Safety is essential when hitting the road in Denver. The tips above should reduce the risk of getting in a collision, crash, and other road accidents that threaten you. But if ever you get involved in a motorcycle accident, it pays to have an attorney that can assist you in filing a personal injury claim. Personal injury insurance should cover medical expenses should you figure a motorcycle accident.

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